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Permanent Web Publishing

Your words deserve to stand the test of time. With Textual, your content remains online permanently, building a lasting digital legacy.

Permanent Web Publishing feature illustration

Enduring Digital Presence

Textual ensures your content remains accessible for years to come. Here's what permanent web publishing means for you:

  • Perpetual Hosting: Your content stays online indefinitely, without fear of sudden platform changes.
  • Future-Proof Format: Markdown ensures your content remains readable and adaptable for years to come.
  • Long-term Impact: Build a lasting digital presence that continues to reach and influence readers over time.

The Value of Permanence

For Content Creators

  • Peace of mind knowing your work is preserved
  • Build a comprehensive body of work over time
  • Establish long-term authority in your niche
  • No need to worry about content migration

For Readers and Researchers

  • Reliable access to valuable information
  • Ability to reference and cite content long-term
  • Track the evolution of ideas over time
  • Discover evergreen content easily

How We Ensure Permanence

  1. 1. Robust Infrastructure: We use reliable, redundant systems to host your content, ensuring it remains accessible even in the face of technical challenges.
  2. 2. Content Preservation: Your original Markdown files are preserved, allowing for easy updates and ensuring your content remains in a format that stands the test of time.
  3. 3. Regular Backups: We maintain multiple backups of your content, protecting against data loss and ensuring your work is always recoverable.
  4. 4. Commitment to Longevity: Our business model is built on the promise of permanent hosting, aligning our success with the long-term preservation of your content.

Ready to Secure Your Digital Legacy?

Join Textual today and ensure your words have a permanent home on the web. Start building a lasting digital presence that will continue to impact readers for years to come.