Textual Logo Textual

Effortless Blogging

Textual is a free, lightning-fast hosting platform for bloggers who love simplicity. Focus on writing, not wrestling with complex editors. Your content, delivered at blazing speeds worldwide.

Textual landing video preview
Key Features

Simple Blogging, Powerful Features

Textual provides everything you need for a beautiful blog, without the complexity. Focus on what matters most - your content.

Drag and Drop Markdown feature illustration

Drag and Drop Markdown

Embrace the simplicity of Markdown with our intuitive drag-and-drop publishing. Write your content in your preferred Markdown editor, then effortlessly publish by dragging your files onto our platform. No need to wrestle with complex interfaces or learn new tools – if you can drag a file, you can publish a blog post.

  • Use any Markdown editor you love
  • Publish with a simple drag-and-drop
  • No learning curve – start blogging immediately

Blazing Fast Hosting

Experience lightning-fast content delivery with our global CDN. Your blog posts are instantly accessible to readers worldwide, ensuring a smooth and speedy experience regardless of their location. Say goodbye to slow load times and hello to happy, engaged readers who keep coming back for more.

  • Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Instant loading for readers worldwide
  • Improved user experience and engagement
Blazing Fast Hosting feature illustration
Focused and Simple feature illustration

Focused and Simple

We've stripped away the unnecessary complexities, leaving you with a clean, distraction-free platform that puts your writing front and center. No cluttered dashboards, no overwhelming options – just you and your words. This minimalist approach ensures that both you and your readers can focus on what truly matters: your content.

  • Clutter-free, minimalist interface
  • Distraction-free writing and reading experience
  • Focus on creating, not managing

Permanent Web Publishing

Your words deserve to stand the test of time. With Textual, your content remains online permanently, giving you peace of mind and allowing your ideas to reach readers for years to come. No need to worry about your blog disappearing or having to migrate to a new platform in the future – your digital legacy is secure with us.

  • Your content stays online indefinitely
  • No worries about platform changes or shutdowns
  • Build a lasting digital presence
Permanent Web Publishing feature illustration
New Feature

Introducing Textual Writer

A free, browser-based markdown editor for distraction-free writing. No sign-up required.

Textual Writer Interface

Autosaves as You Type

Never worry about losing your work. Textual Writer automatically saves your progress.

Distraction-Free Interface

Focus solely on your writing with our clean, minimalist design.

Easy Export

Download your work anytime.


The Story Behind Textual

Nicholas Rempel, developer of Textual

Hi, I'm Nicholas Rempel, the developer behind Textual. As a software engineer and writer (check out my work at nrempel.com), I've often found blogging platforms unnecessarily complex.

The concept for Textual emerged from a simple observation: writing should be straightforward, whether it's in a notebook or online. Why overcomplicate the blogging process with fancy editors and cluttered interfaces?

Textual strips blogging down to its essentials. You write in your preferred Markdown editor, then upload your files. We handle the hosting and delivery through a global CDN. It's blogging, simplified.

Our platform is designed to be as simple as possible without compromising on performance. Your content reaches readers quickly, regardless of their location. We offer a robust free plan to get you started, with plans to introduce additional premium features in the future for those who need more advanced capabilities.

If you're looking for a no-nonsense way to publish your writing online, give Textual a try. It might be just what you need to focus on what really matters – your content.


Transparent Pricing

Choose the plan that works best for you.

Coming Soon

Pro Plan


  • Custom domain support
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Priority support

Frequently Asked Questions

Find detailed answers to common questions about Textual.

What is Textual?

Textual is a modern, streamlined blogging platform designed for writers who value simplicity and speed.

Unlike traditional content management systems, Textual strips away unnecessary complexities, allowing you to focus purely on your writing.

It combines the ease of Markdown with the power of global content delivery, providing a seamless experience from composition to publication.

Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting out, Textual offers a refreshingly straightforward approach to sharing your ideas with the world.

How do I publish content on Textual?

Publishing on Textual is refreshingly simple. Here's the process:

1. Write your content in any Markdown editor you're comfortable with.

2. Save your file with a .md extension.

3. Log into your Textual dashboard.

4. Drag and drop your Markdown file onto the designated area in the dashboard.

5. Textual automatically processes your Markdown, applies your chosen styling, and publishes your post.

That's it! No need to wrestle with complex editors or worry about formatting. Textual handles the technical details, so you can focus on what you do best – writing great content.

Is Textual really free?

Yes, Textual offers a comprehensive free plan that's designed to meet the needs of most bloggers. This plan includes:

• Unlimited blog posts

• Global CDN delivery for fast loading worldwide

• Full Markdown support

• Automatic SSL for security

We believe in providing value first, which is why our free plan is so robust. In the future, we plan to introduce a Pro plan with additional features for power users and businesses, but our commitment is to always maintain a strong, usable free tier for the community.

Can I use my own domain with Textual?

Currently, custom domain support is planned for our upcoming Pro plan. Here's what you need to know:

• Free plan users get a subdomain (yourblog.textual.blog)

• The Pro plan will allow you to use your own domain (www.yourdomain.com)

• We'll handle SSL certificates for custom domains

• Full DNS management support will be included

We're working hard to make this feature available soon. In the meantime, you can start building your blog on our platform and easily transition to a custom domain when the feature launches.

How fast is Textual's hosting?

Textual is built for speed from the ground up. Here's how we ensure blazing-fast performance:

1. Global CDN: We use a worldwide Content Delivery Network to serve your content from servers closest to your readers.

2. Optimized Assets: All images and resources are automatically optimized for quick loading.

3. Efficient Caching: Smart caching mechanisms keep your most-accessed content readily available.

4. Lightweight Design: Our minimalist approach means less bloat and faster page loads.

In practice, this means your blog posts typically load in under a second, even for readers on the other side of the globe. This speed not only improves user experience but can also positively impact your search engine rankings.

Start Your Blog Today

Join Textual and start sharing your ideas with the world. It's free to get started, and you can be publishing your first post in minutes.